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Employment Law Changes 2024

I’ve been asked several times about employment law changes happening this year that could affect your business if you have staff. Lots of these kick in from April, so give us a shout if you need more information, or need help implementing them: 1️⃣ Extended Redundancy Protection for Pregnant Staff…

Embrace Purpose and Values Over Corporate Mission Statements

Is the Mission Statement still fit for purpose? Companies often rush to craft mission statements, strategies, and values to define their identity and direction. These serve as the foundation upon which businesses are built, shaping their culture and guiding decision-making, but mission statements have their limitations. Mission statements, often seen…

Feedback is your secret weapon!

Time and time again employee surveys show that learning and development is one of the most valued benefits in today’s working environment, but as businesses we’re not always great at providing L&D opportunities. There’s a simple way to enhance your L&D without spending vast amounts on learning platforms – FEEDBACK …

HR Data: Every Number Tells a Story

Numbers, numbers all around, but what do they mean and what impact can they have on your business decisions?  How can you get the most out of the data you already capture through your HR system, and how can you make it meaningful to the required audience so that they…

The Top 5 HR Trends coming in 2024

I’m ready to dive into the HR trends shaping 2024 and beyond? Are you? 🚀 AI is stealing the show, shaking up everything from candidate screening to decision-making. Get on the AI train now because it’s not slowing down! Employee engagement is also in the spotlight. With all the global…

Interview top tips for candidates

I’ll be interviewing a few candidates over the coming weeks and I know it can be nerve-wracking to sit down and speak to someone you don’t know, so here are my top tips for maximising success and navigating the interview process with a smile: Research, Research, Research Start by researching…

Embed ethical decision making

Ethical decision-making might sound a bit fancy, but trust me, it’s all about doing what’s right for everyone in your workplace and creating a positive vibe. Let’s break it down in simple terms and explore 5 easy tips to create a more ethical workplace: Walk the Talk: Be a Role…

Using mentors as part of your L&D Strategy

In the realm of personal and professional development, mentoring is a powerful tool that nurtures potential and allows  growth. Often seen as a one-sided exchange, where a seasoned expert imparts wisdom to a receptive protégé, true mentoring transcends this traditional view. In reality, mentoring is a two-way street, where both…

Onboarding happy remote workers

Contrary to what some believe, remote working is not going away. It offers tech businesses the ability to access top talent, increase productivity, reduce costs, enhance employee satisfaction, ensure business continuity, and contribute to environmental sustainability. Successful remote work starts with top notch onboarding! Effective onboarding of remote workers is…

Talent attraction for gen z

As the mother of two Gen Z daughters entering the workforce for the first time, I’m constantly struck by the poor press Gen Z seems to get. There’s a common stereotype that Gen Z is lazy and entitled, but the reality is far from it. Gen Z, born between 1997…

Creating a supportive environment for mental health

It might seem overwhelming and a lot of extra work for a start up or scale up to concentrate on employees’ mental health and wellbeing, but it’s critical for a positive work environment and doesn’t have to be hugely expensive or time consuming. It’s simply good business sense to recognise…

5 top tips on how to be an inclusive small business

It’s hugely frustrating to see big firms “diversity washing” in order to up their company’s ESG profile and subsequently its value. Start ups and scale ups don’t need to employ such fakery! Embed inclusion from the beginning and you’ll have real stories and real stats to share when it comes…

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